LACMA was absolutely amazing.. And HUGE. Ariah and I headed to this museum at about noon and arrived at one. We decided to go somewhat early since we knew it was huge and we were skeptical about being able to check out all the galleries in just a few hours. This museum is very differing from the Norton Art Museum because it is only about 15 times bigger and more interesting, in my opinion at least. Glenn was definitely not kidding when he said it would be way bigger hahaha.

So I chose "Anger" as one of my favorites because I think we can all relate to this. This is actually oil on canvas created by Hans-Siebert von Heister in 1920. I believe we can all relate to this because we are all angry in one way or another. Some of us can be angry about budget cuts, about something our significant other did, something our sibling said, etc. What I find funny about this piece of art is right when I looked at it, I knew the name of it was going to be along the lines of "insanity," "anger," "hate," or "upset." I think the color and the red outlining the body gave me that impression.
I also chose Anima Christi as a favorite I can identify myself with because it reminded of me of life itself, something so colorful, dark, without pattern, confusing, bright, and somewhat like a puzzle or a maze. I don't know what the title means, but this was my interpretation. Hmm perhaps the artist was dealing with some sort of frustration?
I was absolutely amazed by this wall at LACMA. The use of colors really caught my attention as well as the opposing images. On the left side we see two people sharing a special kiss, while in the middle we see two guns. The flower on the right was also very interesting because it was the brightest image out of the whole art piece and the apple was just random. I also thought about the people's faces not being revealed, hmm.. This picture has some sort of symbolism, but I just can't figure it out, which makes it much more intriguing and mysterious.
Corn Flakes anyone? Haha. I'm actually a cereal lover but I chose this image because it had a a very vintage-y look to it, which reminded me of the 70's. I also felt tiny standing next to huge boxes of corn flakes and thought that was pretty neat itself.
SPAM. This art piece is very simple, yet very unique. I'm not a fan of Spam at all, but I think the reason this caught my attention was because it's something I see everywhere. Just last week I went to Sam's Club and saw spam for sale and it looked exactly like this art piece. It makes me want to research how this unique little painting came up and why it's used worldwide. I've realized spam has been around for a while.
This "Black and White" photograph by Andy Warhol caught my attention because of the color. I may be over analyzing it, but I thought about how the society perceives the world as black or white only. I'm sure this was probably not was Warhol was trying to convey through this photograph but it was the first thing I thought of once I saw it. This is the kind of photograph I would love to hang on my wall. I'm just a big fan of Warhol's work, I feel that there is so much meaning behind his art.
Overall, I had a great time at LACMA. I really enjoyed how every gallery was so much different from one another and I actually hope to go back to see the whole Tim Burton thing they're finishing up. My favorite building had to be the Japanese art building, but unfortunately I couldn't get any good photographs without the flash (the color looked super dull) and the woman had her eye on me. I would say it was worth the ten dollars and I would gladly pay them again. However, I must say I wasn't a big fan of the lack of information on some art pieces. Besides that, my trip to LACMA was swell! :)